
Curated Exhibitions and Studio Events

2019 SEP 「Opening Studio GROSS」 with Irene Yamaguchi
2019 OCT 「Residential + Studio Building Berlin」 ifau + Heide & von Beckerath, PHOTOGRAPHY: Andrew Alberts
2019 NOV 「One footstep, touching the ground」 Guillaume Barborini, Co-Curated by Masamichi Tamura (artport/ Echangeur22)
2019 DEC 「忘年会」Neighbourhood Event
2020 JUL  「Life PaintingーAndrea Terceros」+ 「domestic island」with Andrea Terceros, Eirdis, DJ: Lucia Filippini, Aske Albertus, IG live with Tokyo Weekender
2020 AUG 「Chuhwui Pop-Up Shop」Local Jewelleries
2020 AUG 「警戒: Don’t Come Outside」Aquiles Hadjis
2021 FEB 「MINERAL」Shiho Morisugi, Photo Shooting for a young local children’s fashion label
2021 MAR「MINERAL」Shiho Morisugi, Photo Shooting for a young local children’s fashion label
2021 MAY 「On life and intimacy」 Guillem Ayora
2021 AUG 「Obaachan no kami」Chloe Paré & Theodor Maier
2021 OCT 「Art Sale」Ousmane Bâ
2021 OCT 「Halloween Party」Kizuna
2022 MAR「 人間の家はソフトなまち」Asami Togawa
2022 JUN「 Soybean planting」Neighbourhood Event
2022 JUL「 TANABATA」Studio GROSS with Ebony Bižys
2022 NOV「 Kumanomae Yoga fes」Neighbourhood Common Space
2022 NOV「 Arakawa Pottery Pop-Up Tour」Ido Ferber
2022 DEC「 October November」Elisabeth Kihlström, Yuki Higashino
2023 MAR「 AESTHETIC FICTION – Dismantling the Light of Frank Lloyd Wright 」Karina Nimmerfall
2023 JUN「 Extolling the Virtues of Peach Blossoms over Pine Needles 」Karine Fauchard, Lazar Lyutakov
2023 SEP「 Iʻm here」Maurizio Cirillo – as part of PARK-PLATZ by Studio GROSS
2023 NOV「 ICELAND」Akase Yuki
2023 NOV「 さらば 」Angus Schaefer
2024 FEB 「 TheCityAsAHouse 」Rebecca Merlic
2024 MAR「 門 [Gate] 」Milan Loviška and Otto Krause
2024 JUN「 Assimilation of a Sculpture in Tokyo 」Gisela Stiegler
2024 AUG「 SHY CONQUER 」Rina Rolli
2024 SEP 「JOYFUL ASPECTS」Laurien Bachmann, Sebastian Six


2024 AUG「 SHY CONQUER 」Rina Rolli

A drawn travel journal on the everyday appropriation of Japanese common space through the lens of a Swiss architect

Rina Rolli Solo Exhibition
Opening: 8/8/2024 18:00~
Exhibition: 8/9-10 13:00-19:00

Studio GROSS: 116-0012 Arakwa-Ku, Higashi Ogu 5-14-13

How a society interacts and inhabits its common spaces reflects its culture and the nuances of its communal life. The way and degree of appropriation of common spaces by the gestures of its inhabitants highlight the negotiation between established customs and rules, and the fluidity of everyday life. Hand drawing is used as a tool to sketch and capture these gestures of crossing the boundary between the private and the common.

Six weeks of traveling through different realities of Japan brought insight into what could be described as an acupunctural appropriation of the common space—a shy conquer.

Rina Rolli is a Swiss practicing Architect educated at ETH Zurich. She co-founded studioser Architects, based in Zurich and Lugano (Switzerland), in which they are interested in the possibilities of Architecture conceived as a matter of encounters. Whether these are encounters of material, time or people, at the core is always the endeavor to reveal and emphasize the identity and uniqueness of a place, its community and its history. Furthermore, she is currently working as a scientific collaborator at ETH Zurich and as a guest lecturer in Interior Architecture at SUPSI in Mendrisio. She co-founded the furniture collective Piccolli and is a founding member of the creative space MILK in Zurich.

Support: The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia


日本の日常的な共用空間の使い方を紹介する旅行記 スイス人建築家のレンズを通して

リナ・ロリ 個展

オープニング: 2024年8月8日18:00~

展示期間: 8月9-10日 13:00-19:00

スタジオグロス:116-0012 東京都荒川区東尾久 5-14-13




リナ・ロリ(Rina Rolli) はチューリッヒ工科大学(ETH Zurich) で学んだスイスの現 役建築家。スイスのチューリッヒとルガーノを拠点とするスタジオサー・アーキテ クツ(studioser Architects) を共同設立。出会いの種としての建築の可能性に関心を 持つ。それが物質的な出会いであれ、時間的な出会いであれ、人間的な出会いであ れ、常に核となるのは、その場所、そのコミュニティ、その歴史のアイデンティ ティと独自性を明らかにし、強調しようとする努力である。 さらに、彼女は現在、チューリッヒ工科大学(ETH Zurich) で科学共同研究者として 働き、メンドリシオのSUPSIでインテリア建築の非常勤講師を務めている。また、 ファニチャーコレクティブ Piccolli を共同設立し、チューリッヒのクリエイティブ スペース MILK の創設メンバーでもある。

Support: The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia